Talamasca Motherhouse: UFO's
Aliens and UFO's: Texas Style
If you are a Northeast Texas local, you might have heard of the
famous (and possible hoax)UFO crash that occured in Aurora, Texas over
one hundred years ago.
But that single incident does not sum up the Texas-UFO connection.
There have been sightings over the area as well, expecially around
Carswell Air Force Base, which seems to be a trend with UFO sightings
Have you seen me?
Local UFO Sightings
Carswell Airforce Base, Feb. 4, 1954
Flower Mound, March 5, 1997
Fort Worth, Jan. 8, 1951
Justin, August 2, 1965
I myself have seen objects that I'm not sure are airplanes, but
would not go as far to say they are alien craft.
Survey: UFO's: Alien craft, goverment testing, or both?
Let your voice be heard!
Have you seen something in the skies of Texas?
Click here to report it.
To find out more...
To find out more about Aurora, including photos
of the cemetary where the alien body was buried, and a map to the town.
UFO links
Crashes in Texas.
Paranormal Investigators.
The DFW Mufon Group.
Search for specific UFO sightings
in an area close to home.
UFO's in general, with a reference to Aurora
I believe.
A complete
list of UFO sightings, crashes, and bodies recovered in Texas
Crashes and Retrievals in Texas.
This page supports CAUS: Citizens Against UFO Secrecy