Talamasca Motherhouse: Northeast Texas Chapter
The Northeast Texas Chapter
We watch
And we are always here.

The Talamasca is an organization created by the brilliant Anne Rice.
It's purpose is to document strange occurences. Funded by the immense
wealth of the persecuted Knights Templar, it existed in secrecy for
This page is in no way connected to Anne Rice, or an organization
called the Talamasca. It has simply been patterned after its idea.
Here you may browse over strange occurences and groups that exist in
the Northeast Corner of Texas, around where I live.
If you have something usual that you would like to report that happened
in Wise, Denton, or Tarrant County, TX,
click here.
Otherwise, please continue
UFO's: Aurora and beyond
Ghosts: My personal stories and others.
Local "Strange" People
Local Places
Pagan World
A Texas page wouldn't be complete without a JFK section.
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Join my Web ring-Cemetery Visions.
Visit my cyber pets
Feel free to collect interesting tales and occurences from
your area. If you submit
them to me, it will form another Motherhouse. Otherwise, I can always link
to you.
Other page features....
Since it is the primary focus of the Talamasca to enlighten, I have
also included in this page some written pieces I find...educational.
If I had a shiney gun,
I could have a world of fun,
Speeding bullets through the brains
Of the folk who gave me pains.
If I had a poison gas,
I would make the moments pass,
Knocking off a number of,
People who I do not love.
But I have no magic weapon,
Thus does fate our pleasure step of.
So they are still safe and well.
Who should be, by rights, in Hell.
-Dorothy Parker
The Optimist Creed...read this!
"Please Hear What I'm Not Saying", an excellent poem about our true selves.
[to T.V.]"Teacher. Mother. Secret lover."
-Homer Simpson, of "The Simpsons"
My personal links
My other page, a shrine to the Simpsons
Anne Rice's Homepage.
My parent's page, a Hungarian-Texas page.
Who's Watching Who Page, a pleasantly paranoid page.
A collection of the witty Dorothy Parker's poems.
Andrew Lloyd Webber Online
The Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil Movie Site
A Kevin Spacey (my favorite actor) site
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